
본문 시작
Projects subject to foreign investment
  • 01Projects to attract foreign capital
    • Foreign investment zones (complex or individual) designated or desired for designation
    • Eastern Coast Free Economic Zone, East Sea Free Trade Zone
    • Special zones for the Winter Olympics, areas subject to immigrant investor plans for real estate, etc.
  • 02Private capital investment project within the districts(province, cities, and counties)
    • Idle national and public land sites that need development or planned for development
    • Agricultural and industrial complexes for sale or under construction
    • Projects reflected in regional development plans, mega-regional development plans, etc.

    ※ Clusters, development promoted districts, abandoned mine areas, new development areas, enterprise cities, specialized complex, innovation valleys, industrial parks, etc.

  • 03Innovative enterprises (related organizations) in the district that wish to attract investments
    • Companies that need to attract financial investments for M&A, technology transfer, R&D investments, and fund investments
Foreign Investment Process
  • Investor
    ① Report a foreign investment
    (KOTRA, Foreign exchange bank)
  • ② Transfer investment amount (Foreign exchange bank)
    Issuance of a certificate for custody of stock subscription payment (upon registration of incorporation) and foreign exchange certificate (upon registration of investment company)
  • ③ Registration of incorporation
    (Court registry office)
  • ④ Report of incorporation and registration of business
    (Tax office where the head office is located)
  • ⑤ Transfer of prepaid capital to the company's bank account
    (Foreign exchange bank)
  • ⑥ egistration of foreign investment company
    (Agency initially reported)
Foreign Investment Zones
Table of Investment Target Projects by Type
Item Complex type Individual type
  • Move in to a designated industrial complex
  • Proceed with designation procedures in the desired area or in accordance with the application
  • Manufacturing

    FDI 10 million USD ↑

  • Logistics

    FDI 5 million USD ↑

  • Manufacturing

    FDI 30 million USD ↑

  • Tourism

    FDI 20 million USD ↑

  • ogistics, SOC development projects

    FDI 10 million USD ↑

  • Advanced R&D

    2 million USD More than 10 Masters with more than 3 years of research experience

  • Designated individual foreign investment by 2 or more

    The total amount is more than the investment amount for each business (industry)

Munmak Foreign Investment (December 9, 2013) Munmak Foreign Investment (December 9, 2013) LEGOLAND (April 29, 2014) LEGOLAND (April 29, 2014)
  • Tariffs, VATs, special consumption taxes: Exempted 100% for five years
    • Refer to the acquisition tax and property tax subsidy support system
  • Tariffs: Exempted 100% for five years
    • Refer to the acquisition tax and property tax subsidy support system
  • Exceptions for leasing of national and public property: More than 30% of foreign investment shares & maintained for 5 years from the date of private contract
  • Rent: 1% of the land price/year
  • Rent reductions
    • [100%] (New growth and path-breaking technology industries) Exceeding 1 million USD, (Manufacturing industry) Exceeding 2.5 million USD & hired more than 200 employees
    • [90%] (Manufacturing) Exceeding 2.5 USD million & hired fewer than 200 employees
    • [75%] (Manufacturing) Exceeding 5 million USD
  • Can be leased in a form of private contract
    • [National and public land] 100% exempted when investing more than the minimum amount for each industry
  • Infrastructure support, such as port/road/water system/railway/communication/electrical facilities, etc. (less than 50% of the construction cost of the relevant project)
  • Exempted from traffic congestion charges
Subsidy Support Systems
table of Subsidy Support Systems
Classification Details
  • At least 30% of the foreign investment ratio (maintaining the initial investment ratio for 5 years)
    • upport limit: ① Within 50% of the amount of foreign investment based on <Financial Support Standards for Local Governments>, ② The total amount of support for the Do (Province) is less than the amount of foreign investment
      *If the investment amount exceeds 30 million USD or more than 300 daily employees, or if they contributed in a science and technology company/other non-profit corporation, they can apply for exceeding the ordinance after obtaining the Council’s consent
Local Tax Reductions
  • Companies (different conditions) planned to move in to individual foreign investment zone (FIZ)
    • Acquisition tax reduction: 100% for businesses operating more than 15 years
      • Upon succession: 100% for businesses operating more than 10 years
    • Property tax reduction: 100% for businesses operating more than 7 years, 50% for the next three years (different by city and county)
Land Subsidy
  • Subsidy for the difference in rent (within 10 years of support period), subsidy for the difference in the sales price (Less than 50% of the sales price, for land owned by the operator of the industrial complex development project)
  • Application for subsidy shall be made within one year from the date of the contract, Deliberation and decision is made by the Foreign Investment Promotion Council of the Do (Province)
  • Subsidy on difference in rent (Less than 10 years) → Munmak (excluded): Rent is already reduced (1%)
Employment Subsidy
  • For employees residing in the district, exceeding 20 → 1 million KRW per employee per month for less than 6 months
    Maintain employment for 3 years, Applied in the following year of employment
Education and
Training Subsidy
  • Education and training for 20 or more newly employed Koreans →1 million KRW per employee per month for less than 6 months
    Maintain employment for 3 years, Maximum limit of 1 billion KRW per company. Applied in the following year of education and training
Facility Subsidy
  • 10% of facilities exceeding 3 billion KRW upon expansion of a new factory (limited to 5 billion KRW per company)
    * Applied to the Do Governor within one year from the date of completion
Support on
Counseling Expenses
  • If a foreigner is confirmed to invest in the project after receiving counseling for investing within the province, up to 500 million KRW can be supported (less than 50% of the total counseling cost). Applied to the Do Governor within one year from the date of the start of the business
Foreign Investment
Zone Support
(Foreign Investment Promotion Act: Support industrial complex)
  • Infrastructure, such as ramp, water system, information and communication infrastructure, and portion of the living condition facility costs, such as medical, education, housings, etc. (the level of support is decided by the government's Foreign Investment Committee after considering the individual demand)

* Supports mostly matched with national finance

Immigrant Investor Plan for Real Estate

Residential qualification (F-2) is granted to foreigners who invest more than a certain amount in designated real estate, Permanent residency (F-5) is granted to investors, their spouses, and unmarried children who maintain the investment for 5 years

* (Procedure for granting of qualifications) Preliminary review of foreigners (immigration/foreign office) → Conclusion of a contract/acquisition of real estate → Granted with residence qualification (F-2) from immigration/foreign office → Granted with permanent residence (F-5) if investment is maintained for 5 years
Areas subject to Immigrant Investor Plan for Real Estate

① Pyeongchang Alpensia: May 1, 2013 ~ April 30, 2023, more than 500 million KRW
② Districts in Jeongdongjin, Gangneung: February 1, 2021 ~ December 31, 2024, more than 700 million KRW

Designation Procedures by System
Individual type foreign investment zone designation procedures
  • Submission of designation plan and feasibility report
  • 지Review of designation plan
  • Request for evaluation of the designation
  • Review of suitability
  • Evaluation by the working groups of the Foreign Investment Committee
  • Evaluation and notification of results by the foreign investment committee
  • nnouncement of designation
Zones under immigrant investor plan for real estate system designation procedures

  • Announcement of projects
    Central or Local Governments

  • pplication for designation
    Central government, Citiy and Province → Ministry of Justice

  • Preliminary evaluation and factual survey
    Ministry of Justice

  • Selection of targets for comprehensive inspection and inquiry of opinions, etc.
    Ministry of Justice → Relevant organizations

  • Presented in the Investment Immigration Conference
    Ministry of Justice and relevant authorities

  • Decision and announcement of results
    Minister of Justice
  • 기업유치 033-249-4924
  • 국비지원 033-249-3723
  • 지방비지원 033-249-2965